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Our journey started first with an Ask Valor Masterminds group page on Facebook.  The purpose of the group is to bring business owners together from all industries to talk with each other about topics like Marketing, Online Marketing, SEO,  Social media, Videos, Business Plans, Accounting, Bookkeeping, Cybersecurity, Business Law and other topics they'd want to talk about.

With that our Ask Valor Masterminds podcast was born to bring on guest speakers or guru's on those topics to share their knowledge. We look forward to bringing guest speakers that will share some tips to help you with your business.

If you have suggestions or would like to be a guest speaker please send an email to

Jan 17, 2023

Learn how John Wetmore teaches his team at Family First Life Agent Force to remove their emotions when selling and how it leads to more sales.

A few of our takeaways you will learn:

1. Selling is a numbers game

2. Think of phone calls and appointments as money being earned

3. Getting past the no's is getting you closer...

Jan 5, 2023

A stay interview is when an employer sits down with an employee to gather information about what the employee values about their job and discover what the worker believes can be improved. A stay interview is similar to an exit interview, but it’s done with active employees rather than those heading out the door.
